The Cruel Wait for PRRT — ASN Events

The Cruel Wait for PRRT (#11)

Paul Stephensen 1
  1. Unicorn Foundation, Blairgourie, VIC, Australia

If you are unfortunate enough to get NETs, and with surgical options not on the table, then at least I thought I had a reasonable head start to access the only other demonstrable treatment regime…PRRT ?
The equation :
Australian patient + Victorian patient + Under direct care of Peter Mac team + PET scans with tumours demonstrating strong take-up of GaTate = Early Treatment
Instead of a relatively short lead-in period, it turned into an ‘endurance event’, required to wait for the tumours to advance (in number and size), and symptoms to become stronger.
Frustrating, stressful and anxious times.
My talk will cover the timeline from diagnosis, through to PRRT treatment and, 2 years on, the wait for action / next steps is being repeated.