Paul Stephensen — ASN Events

Paul Stephensen

Unicorn Foundation, VIC, Australia

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Since 'joining the ranks' as a NET patient in 2010, and being an active member of the Victorian Patient Support Group, in 2013 Paul became a Board Member and Treasurer for the Unicorn Foundation. A 'lucky' encounter with small kidney stones, an over-zealous review of CT scans by Medical Student Intern, and major surgery 4 days later, led to positive pathology results for Carcinoid (April 2010). Eventually in February 2014, he underwent the 1st of 4 rounds of PRRT at Peter Mac. Paul continues to undertake a variety of 3 monthly tests and 6 monthly PET scans to monitor the progress of the disease. For the last 2 years, Paul has leveraged his Accounting & Finance, Supply Chain and IT Systems experience and qualifications to run his own consulting business. Prior roles included 12 years at Telstra (Manager Strategic Projects - Procurement & Supply Chain), 2 years IT Program Management - Ansett Air New Zealand, 2 years Commercial Management - Linfox, and 14 years in Financial Controller / Financial Accountant / Senior Audit positions.