44Sc-PSMA-617 for pre-therapeutic dosimetry of prostate cancer (#92)
A broad pool of radionuclides becomes available for labelling of the prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) inhibitor, Glu-NH-CO-NH-Lys (Ahx), when using DOTA as chelator. Recently the novel DOTA based PSMA-617 has shown great results in prostate cancer therapy and PET imaging when labelled with 177Lu and 68Ga. Do to the short half-life of 68Ga, long acquisition periods cannot be acquired. In this context, 44Sc with a half-life of 3.97 h and suitable decay characteristics for PET imaging, is an alternative to 68Ga. In this study, 44Sc-labelled PSMA-617 was evaluated in a first human application for pre-therapeutic dosimetry of prostate cancer.
PSMA-617 was obtained from ABX (Radeberg, Germany). 44Sc was obtained from a 44Ti/44Sc generator in Mainz, where 44Ti decays with a half-life of 60 d to no-carrier-added (n.c.a) 44Sc. Radiolabeling with 44Sc and quality control was performed according to legal regulations. Dynamic PET data was acquired 30 min after bolus injection over one bedposition including the kidneys, followed by one static whole body acquisition at 30, 120 and about 1200 minutes p.i.. Veneous blood samples were drawn 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 120, and about 1200 minutes p.i..
All 44Sc-PET images had similar or better diagnostic capability than 68Ga-PSMA images. Contrast to background ratio was even better in some metastases in 44Sc-images. In the late image hardly any tracer accumulation in the kidneys was found while the lacrimal and salvatory glands stilled showed relevant uptake. Therefore 44Sc-based dosimetry will show probably lower absorbed dose for the kidneys and higher absorbed dose for the lacrimal and salvatory glands than 68Ga-based dosimetry, being more accurate due to the longer measurement times.
This first evaluation of 44Sc-PSMA-617 for pre-therapeutic dosimetry demonstrate the great potential of 44Sc as PET nuclide.