Requirements on Specific Activity (SA) of <sup>177</sup>Lu to Radiolabel DOTA-peptides for PRRT. <em>Studies on Labeling </em><em>a T</em><em>ypical Formulation of</em> <em>0.1 mg DOTA-PSMA-617 </em><em>(=0.1 µmoles)</em> <em>with 4 GBq <sup>177</sup>Lu</em> <em>at Various SA of <sup>177</sup>Lu</em> — ASN Events

Requirements on Specific Activity (SA) of 177Lu to Radiolabel DOTA-peptides for PRRT. Studies on Labeling a Typical Formulation of 0.1 mg DOTA-PSMA-617 (=0.1 µmoles) with 4 GBq 177Lu at Various SA of 177Lu (#95)

Wouter AP Breeman 1 , Erik de Blois 1 , Rory MS de Zanger 1
  1. Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Among other factors, success of PRRT depends on the availability of 177Lu-DOTA-peptides at adequately high SA, so that required target uptake of activity and concordant therapeutic efficacy can be achieved before saturating the receptors available on the target lesions. This directly depends on the SA of 177Lu (expressed in activity per mass of Lu).

Clinical dose-finding studies for PRRT are scarce, and to our knowledge, no clinical dose-finding data on activity or mass, or Maximal Tolerated Activity (MTA) or MT Dose are published on PRRT with 177Lu-PSMA. PRRT of metastatic Prostate Cancer is currently performed with a typical formulation of 4 GBq 177Lu-DOTA-PSMA-617 (0.1 mg) at medium SA (here expressed in GBq per mass of DOTA-PSMA-617, MW=1042 g/mol). Moreover, from a dosimetric point-of-view pretherapeutic measurements and PRRT with the same amount of the same substance is recommended (Kletting et al., 2012,2016).

Therefore we investigated this typical formulation (4 GBq 177Lu-DOTA-PSMA-617 (0.1 mg)) at various SA of 177Lu (range 400-1500 GBq 177Lu per mg Lu).

We found that 0.1 µmoles DOTA-PSMA-617 can successfully be labeled with 4 GBq 177Lu at SA of ≥ 400 GBq 177Lu per mg. This equals a mol/mol ratio of DOTA-peptide over Lu of 3. The mol/mol ratio will further increase concordant with higher SA of 177Lu, all at full incorporation of 177Lu. In addition, even 7 GBq 177Lu (at SA ≥ 400 GBq 177Lu per mg) is successfully incorporated with preferred constant mass of 0.1 µmoles DOTA-PSMA-617.

These data confirm our earlier 177Lu labeling studies with other DOTA-peptides.