[<sup>64</sup>Cu]CuCl<sub>2</sub> PET imaging for the evaluation of anticancer activity of Dextran-Catechin conjugate as a novel treatment for neuroblastoma — ASN Events

[64Cu]CuCl2 PET imaging for the evaluation of anticancer activity of Dextran-Catechin conjugate as a novel treatment for neuroblastoma (#58)

Arvind ParMar 1 , Orazio Vittorio 2 3 , Giancarlo Pascali , Nigel Lengkeek 1 , Andrew Arthur 1 , David Zahra 1 , Paul Pellegrini 1 , Gita Rahardjo 1 , Guo Jun Liu 1 , Arnaud Charil 1 4 , M B Brandl 2 3 , G Cirillo 5 , K Kimpton 2 , Maria Kavallaris 2 3
  1. Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia
  2. Children's Cancer Institute, Lowy Cancer Research Centre, Randwick, NSW, Australia
  3. ARC Centre of Excellence in Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology, and Australian Centre for NanoMedicine, UNSW, NSW, Australia
  4. Brain & Mind Centre, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia
  5. Department of Pharmacy Health and Nutritional Science University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy

Aim: Neuroblastoma is an aggressive neuroendocrine cancer with a high mortality rate in infants. Our group tested a novel compound, called Dextran-Catechin (DC) in a neuroblastoma xenograft animal model. Recent experiments have provided evidence that the mechanism of action of DC is linked with intracellular copper (Cu) trafficking and distribution. In this work we used [64Cu]CuCl2 to monitor the in vivo Cu distribution in neuroblastoma xenograft mouse models, both with and without treatment.

Materials and Methods: We used human neuroblastoma xenografts using female BALB/c nude mice inoculated with the BE(2)-C cell line. On the day of imaging, 30 min prior to the PET scan, mice were intravenously treated with either saline (100 µL) or DC (300 µg in 100 µL of saline) and anaesthetised using 2% isoflurane. 7-10 MBq of [64Cu]CuCl2 in PBS was injected via the lateral tail vein. PET/CT imaging was performed at 0-2 hr and 5 hr post radiotracer injection. Siemens Inveon IAW and IRW software were used for image reconstruction and image analysis.

Results: In the pilot study, normal mice demonstrated highest uptake of [64Cu]CuCl2 in the liver (20-30 %ID/g) followed by the kidneys and lungs. We also noticed a considerable uptake in thyroid glands during the first 5 hr (4-7 %ID/g).The tumor tissues showed consistent uptake (2-4 %ID/g) in the saline group, even after 48 hr. 64Cu tumor uptake was significantly reduced in DC treated animals.

Conclusion: Previous in vitro studies have shown how DC mediates its beneficial effects via copper metabolism; in this work, we provide in vivo evidence that a single acute dose of DC lowers intracellular Cu levels in neuroblastoma. Future studies will seek to elucidate the molecular basis of action for DC treatment and its potential application in other types of cancer.