Efficacy and Safety of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy with/without Capcitabine in Asymptomatic Rectal Neuronedocrine Tumour: Malaysian Initial Experience — ASN Events

Efficacy and Safety of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy with/without Capcitabine in Asymptomatic Rectal Neuronedocrine Tumour: Malaysian Initial Experience (#65)

  1. National Cancer Institute, Putrajaya, PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia


Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumour (NET) is common in Asian population. Most patients are asymptomatic. Extensive metastases with occasional atypical site involvement is common in this group of patients. Here, we present 4 cases of our initial experience of treating this group of patients using peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) or chemoradionuclide Therapy (PRCRT).



177Lu-DOTATATE(LuTate) was used in the treatment with mean activity of 7.42+GBq/cycle. Dual tracer PET/CT imaging using 68Ga-DOTATATE(GaTate) and 18F-FDG was performed prior therapy. Three patients demonstrated concomitant de-differentiated lesions. During therapy, all patients received Arginin/Lysin 25 mg, Odansetron 8mg, Dexamethasone 4mg and Esomeperazole 40mg. Two patients received capcitabine as radiosensitizer.  Dosimetry was performed during the first cycle. Response was assessed by GaTate at 6-week after  2nd cycles; and dual tracer imaging at 3-4 months  after 4th cycle. Adverse event was assessed by using CTCAE.



Four asymptomatic rectal NET patients (mean age: 55 years) showed normal CgA but demonstrable disease progression on GaTate when on long-acting sandostatin. All patients demonstrated extensive liver and bone metastases with additional extra-orbital metastasis seen in 2 patients. Remarkable response was seen during (at 2nd cyle) and after  (4th cycle) of treatment. One patient who received 4-cycle of PRCRT, demonstrated complete response with resolution of uptake on dual-tracer imaging. One patient only received 2-cycle of PRRT due to favourable response at 6-week after 2nd cycle.


Three patients developed Grade 1 gastritis and vomiting on 1st cycle. Since commencing esomeprazole, no documented gastritis/vomiting seen in subsequent treatment. Grade 3 transient haematological toxicity was noted in 1 patient, whereas Grade 1 in 3 patients. No transfusion required.



PRRT/ PRCRT is an efficient and tolerable treatment in asymptomatic patients with extensive metastatic rectal NET. Esomeprazole may help in reducing GI toxicity.