Rapid Synthesis of <sup>68</sup>Ga-MAA for routine application in lung perfusion imaging using PET/CT   — ASN Events

Rapid Synthesis of 68Ga-MAA for routine application in lung perfusion imaging using PET/CT   (#117)

Richard P Baum 1 , Dirk Mueller 1 2 , Harshad Kulkarni 1 , Andreas Odparlik 3
  1. THERANOSTICS Center for Molecular Radiotherapy and Molecular Imaging, Zentralklinik Bad Berka, Bad Berka, Thuringia, Germany
  2. Radiopharmacy, Zentralklinik Bad Beka GmbH, Bad Berka, THURINGIA, Germany
  3. Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Halle , Halle(Saale), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany




68Ga labeled MAA for PET/CT perfusion imaging represents an attractive alternative to 99mTc-MAA. All methods for the labeling of MAA with 68Ga found in the literature require a final purification step and use only a fraction of the generator eluate.

We report a simple and fast NaCl-based procedure for the effective labeling of MAA with 68Ga using commercially available MAA kits for 99mTc, without the need for a final separation step.


Materials and Methods


The labeling of MAA using the original MAA-99mTc labeling kits was carried out by using the NaCl based labeling procedure. The manual labeling procedure was adapted to an automated synthesis module(Modular Lab EAZY, E&Z) in compliance to GMP guidelines. Different 68Ge/ 68Ga-generators were used. The total activity for the labeling ranges between 1.8-1.2 GBq. For the labeling, MAA kits from different manufactures were used (LyoMAA [Covidien]; HSA-B20 [ROTOP], MAASOL [GE]). The radiolabeling efficiency was determined by radio-iTLC. Subsequently, 20 MBq of 68Ga-MAA was used for patient imaging.




Independent from the manufacturer of the MAA kit the NaCl based cationic labeling procedure delivers the 68Ga labeled MAA in high radiochemical purity (>95%) and high specific activity. The overall synthesis time was 14 min and the radiochemical yield was 80%(manual) vs. 75%(automated synthesis)(n.d.c.). The labeling was carried out aseptically, ensuring the sterility of the final product.



These results demonstrate that the NaCl based labeling procedure provides for convenient and rapid preparation of 68Ga-MAA in sufficient purity for routine radiopharmaceutical production. The significantly higher resolution of PET/CT together with a shorter acquisition time makes 68Ga-MAA to a potentially better lung perfusion imaging agent than 99mTc-MAA.