In-vitro dose calibration of the DNA damage assay for internal irradiation of blood lymphocytes with the PET nuclide 68Ga (#106)
Objectives: Radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) can be immunofluorescently stained as microscopic foci using γ-H2AX and 53BP1 antibodies, which allows quantification of radiation effects. We investigated DSB formation by internal irradiation of blood lymphocytes with 68Ga to generate a DSB focus calibration-curve for a β+-emitter in-vitro.
Methods: Five blood samples were taken from four healthy volunteers at different days. 68Ga of known activity was mixed to the blood samples to achieve absorbed doses up to 100 mGy after 1h incubation. For the individual background focus rate one non-irradiated sample of each volunteer was kept. The lymphocytes were separated by density centrifugation, washed in PBS and fixed in ethanol. After two-color immunofluorescent staining the co-localizing γ-H2AX and 53BP1 foci were counted manually using a red/green double band pass filter. To calculate the absorbed doses, the activity in each blood sample was determined with a calibrated germanium detector.
Results: 31 blood samples (absorbed doses up to 108 mGy) were evaluated. In agreement with our established in-vitro calibration-curve for the β--emitters I-131 and Lu-177, a linear regression fitted to the data showed a good correlation between the number of RIF/cell and the absorbed doses to the blood. However, the slope of the 68Ga calibration-curve (0.011 RIF/cell·mGy-1) was 23% less compared to the value obtained for the β--emitters. Since the mean positron energy emitted by 68Ga (829keV) is higher compared to the mean electron energy of I-131 (182keV) and Lu-177 (134keV) we expect a different energy deposition pattern which may lead to an altered DSB foci yield.
Conclusion: Our results show that there is a decrease of the number RIF with increasing energy of the β-/β+-emitters. Further experiments with nuclides of varying particle emission energies are needed to verify whether there is an energy dependent DNA damage response after internal irradiation.